Below you will find a map of the 2012 Median Household Income levels for the 120 counties in Kentucky.
MAI Russell Roberts Commercial Real Estate Appraisals | Mississippi | Tennessee | Kentucky
Below you will find a map of the 2012 Median Household Income levels for the 120 counties in Kentucky.
The MAI membership designation is held by professionals who can provide a wide range of services relating to all types of real property, such as providing opinions of value, evaluations, review, consulting and advice regarding investment decisions, among others. Property types may include commercial, industrial, agricultural, residential, vacant land and others.
[…] Blue areas of the map indicate population losses. Red areas indicate the highest population gains, while yellow areas indicate everything in between. Notice that the highest gains extend from the eastern side of Louisville to Lexington and along Interstate 75 to the southwest area of Cincinnati. You will notice a similar pattern in the map below which presents the 2012 median household income for counties in Kentucky. […]