“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” – Genesis 1:31
People love to draw lines beyond those necessary to protect us from ourselves. Perhaps Eve was the first “…neither shall ye touch it…” God’s command was not to eat. Ignoring the rest of the story, some are determined to follow her example. To his credit, Governor Matt Bevin, an advocate for the medical use of marijuana, is not among them.
As the father of a profoundly mentally handicapped son who suffers from incessant seizures, this issue recently began to hit home. It turns out that this specific part of God’s good creation is effective in treating seizures. You can read about it in this article published by the Scientific American. In addition to its potential uses for medical treatment, this study concludes that the decriminalization of marijuana would have a positive and significant impact on the economy in Kentucky.
You might ask, “what about its recreational use?” Believe it or not, I’ve never tried it personally. But I’m not opposed to it. In fact, if they legalize it for recreational use in Kentucky – I will. The older I get the more determined I am to insist on the goodness of God’s creation whether you want to draw lines or not.
Should marijuana be legalized? You tell me.
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