We’re kicking things up a notch here at Russell Roberts Appraisals, taking things to a whole ‘nother level. We already explained some of the things we love about CoStar in a previous post. Now, with access to their nationwide database, we have even greater tools at our disposal to serve our clients better.
As data about potential commercial real estate investments becomes more ubiquitous, lenders and investors have even more choices about where to lend on or invest their hard-earned dollars. Their lending and investment choices aren’t limited by state lines and neither should our ability to analyze sales data stop at some imaginary boundary. That’s why we’ve increased our subscription coverage from a regional to a national basis. Here’s how the difference looks from where I sit.
Regional CoStar Sales
National CoStar Sales
We are diligent in our effort to provide our clients with the best service possible. We hope it shows.
You seem to always be one step ahead of everyone else. Congratulations!
I think you have me confused with you, Wyatt!