That’s me up front. I was a corporal back then. We performed combat training exercises out of Ft. Wainwright, Alaska. In military parlance, we were ‘hard’. We were toughened by years of physical training and operating in sub-zero temperatures. After this picture was taken I attended Pre-Ranger School and then Ranger School down in Ft. Benning, Georgia.
Many people may wonder why we love our clients. I’ll tell you why. Despite the numerous hours I now work, life will never be as challenging as it was in this picture. That was tough. Have you ever lived in a freezer? That’s what it was like. Hunger? I lost around 30 pounds between Pre-Ranger School and Ranger School. I was looking for acorns to eat in Dahlonega, Georgia.
That’s why we think it’s a breeze to devote 100% effort to writing an appraisal report for you in a 70 degree office in the lower 48 where food is plentiful. Do you believe we love you?
You bet your sweet bottom we do.
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