After a long, long lull in subdivision development appraisals, I’ve received three assignments in the past several weeks for existing or proposed subdivision developments. But don’t pop the cork on the champagne just yet. In my view, the jury is still out on the economic feasibility for residential subdivision development in most areas of Hardin County. It’s worth noting that the largest job I’m working on is in Bullitt County. If you haven’t yet perused the demographics of Bullitt County, you should.
Other items worth noting – I’ve also noticed an uptick in construction and renovation in and around Elizabethtown. Nationally, employment figures are looking much better and their effects are beginning to show around Elizabethtown. Radcliff? Well, that’s an animal of a different color. As you know, they’re about to lose around 1,000 soldiers. This doesn’t bode well for their local economy. Check out this news item which includes an interview with local developer Lydia Drexler of Gold Star Realty.
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